So when it comes to planning, some times I have the hardest time either planning or things come to mind very quickly. In this case, I had the hardest time coming up with ideas. I wanted each GIF to be challenging but I also wanted them to be doable. After continually rethinking what I wanted to do I came up with 4 ideas:

While I was coming to a close on the two hour planning period I finally told myself that I needed stick with the first few ideas that popped into my head. That’s how I came up with the first few ideas. I came up with the handwriting one when I saw Amy doing some calligraphy at work. I had a brain blast and I knew that I wanted to incorporate that into my project.

Planning time: 2 hours

Now I wanted talk about the execution phase, all in all it took me about 2 hours to get all the footage I wanted and sort through. I wanted to get more footage than I needed just in case, and it took a couple of tries to set everything up in the right way. So here are some test shots of each idea:

I took a long time to get the lighting right, glare off the screen, stabilizing the shots amongst other things. But next, I’m going to go through each GIF and show you the process of how I got my final product!

Accumulated time: 4hrs

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