Hiya! The semester is really winding down fast! And with that, I am finishing up the last portions of my website. In my last post I talked about some major changes to my site. After I finished those changes, I wanted to focus more on promotion of my site itself. I posted on my Twitter and Facebook to try to drum up some more content. I think its working! I struggled with content a few weeks ago but I think I was able to counteract that with my posting. I also have to credit some of that to my mom as she shared all my posts with her friends.

I also decided to change the form to add recipes to the site. I didn’t like how the original one was set up. It wasn’t really user friendly. I wanted to make a new section where the user could add their own story. I changed everything around to reflect that as well as adding a section of ingredients. Kept the other sections as well but adding the new sections allows me to do more with the recipes as well as make it user friendly. Here is what the new form looks like:

So moving forward, we have a final presentation next week to share what we accomplished throughout the semester. We will present during our class period at a table, like a poster session. I want to have a display going with a screencast video of my site itself. I plan on baking one of my recipes to have as a sample while I present. I am going to work on both of those over the thanksgiving break. I’m really looking forward to seeing what the rest of the class has done!

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